GVPT Maths Camp

Data Communication

Learning objectives

  1. Learn how to combine your code, results, and prose in one document

  2. Be introduced to markdown


Source: Quarto


A simple and easy-to-use markup language you can use to format your document

## Markdown

*A simple and easy-to-use markup language you can use to format your document*

Create your first Quarto document

Create your first Quarto document


Rendering your document

Writing prose in Quarto

You will need to know some markdown!


Running code in Quarto

Code chunks start with ```{r} and ends with ```:

#| echo: true


Code chunks

You can control how these code chunks render and are displayed using code chunks:

#| echo: true
#| warning: false


Code chunks

Source: Quarto

Code chunks

You can set default chunk options in the YAML:

  echo: true
  message: false
  warning: false

In-line code

You will often want to reference numbers or results in your prose:

You include R code directly in your prose using the expression: `r`. For example:


There are 234 observations in our data.



In the final session, you will apply the skills you will learn over the next few days to a problem that interests you. To prepare for this, you need to find a data set that:

  1. Is relevant to your research interests,

  2. Contains continuous and discrete variables.


In case you are having some trouble: